What type of writer are YOU?

Six Types of Writers:

The Ambivalent Writer

a. Don’t know their own voice

b. Always chasing “what’s hot or new or cool”

c. Not sure medium (fiction, poetry, songwriter, artist, genre)

d. Always questioning

The Natural

a. People call them the “real thing”

b. Overnight success

c. Make it look easy

d. Very sure of their voice, their point of view

The Wicked Child

a. Doesn’t care what others think

b. Lifts the veil and revels ugly, dark secrets

c. Not polite

d. Feels entitled to everyone hearing their story

The Self-Promoter

a. Bald ambition

b. Costuming is identifiable

c. Desire for fame is strong

d. Write to keep everyone happy

The Neurotic

a. Loves to worry

b. Hypochondriac

c. Worship of their writing utensils

d. Ritualistic behavior

e. Perfectionist

f. More alive inside the work than the real world

Touching Fire

a. Loves to drink and fight and doing both very well

b. Paper rolled up in the back pocket, no paper, no pencil

c. no use for the common projects or people

d. Unstable, unreliable, unrealistic

e. Disappears but then promises the moon in quality and quantity


ASCAP Workshop November 14th, 2020 : Amazing day for me...


Invisible (official video)