Invisible (the doc) is out

The Frameline Film Festival in San Francisco was an amazing experience. I’ve never been to SF and for my first experience to be in the Castro District was mind blowing. The film Invisible premiered on Saturday June 26th at 3pm. Sitting in the audience with creators such as Pam Rose, Jess Leary, Kye Fleming, Ruthie Foster, Cid Bullens, Dianne Davidson along with film director T.J. Parsell and producer Bill Brimm was beyond words.

At the start of the film, the lights dimmed and an organ ascended from the bowels of that storied stage playing a soothing and yet joyful song calling all patrons to quiet and get ready for art to happen. As everyone settled in their soft theatre chairs, the organ slowly descended back from where it came and the lights again lowered and the film began.

As the film wrapped, Pam Rose, Jess Leary and myself walked to the stage to sing a short version of the song Dry County. This is a song I wrote while we were making this film. As I started talking about my life experience as the daughter of a preacher in a small east Texas town, I found myself cracking open to years of sadness and this song was a way for me to say what I couldn’t say before this film.

I never want to be self indulgent or self centered. Talking about my journey isn’t something I take lightly. I respect everyone’s time and want to be mindful. For reasons I’ll never know, it felt like the right time to talk about my life as a gay songwriter and creator. I never wanted being gay to identify me completely; but, I ignored that part of myself for so long and it is time to speak up.

Invisible the documentary, is the vehicle I choose to tell my story.

The iconic Castro Theatre opened for the Frameline Film Festival June 26th, 2021 in San Francisco, CA.

The iconic Castro Theatre opened for the Frameline Film Festival June 26th, 2021 in San Francisco, CA.

Cast and crew from Invisible

Cast and crew from Invisible


songwriting intensive


February Intensive Writing Sessions